Much like the system of this catfish farm, parents have components within them that are necessary to maintain the equilibrium of their personal ecosystem.
I work with a lot of couples, both pre- and post-marital. It is a journey I really enjoy taking with each of them, in whatever season of need they have.
It is the New Year, with new and renewed resolutions toward health, wellness, success, and wholeness — the time for the best of intentions and revitalized commitments.
As many of you know, divorce sucks. It’s awful, terrible, horrible, and can definitely ruin a good day, especially if you never saw it coming, especially if you did work to hopefully ensure it would never happen.
The Christmas season is indeed about need, but personally, the statement I find myself repeating the most is “I need to do this, I need to do that; I need to go here, now I need to go there.”